Communication Theory: Mapping a Diverse Field
Communication Theory
Subtitle: Mapping a Diverse Field
Subject Classification:
Philosophy, Psychology
BIC Classification: GTC, HP, JM
BISAC Classification:
LAN004000, SOC052000, PSY023000
Hardback, eBook
Planned publication date:
Feb 2025
ISBN (Hardback):
ISBN (eBook):
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Communication Theory provides a theoretically informed exploration of diverse communication theories. It serves as a meta-discussion on the description and characterization of communication from various theoretical standpoints. The book also examines how different theoretical perspectives approach communication and how these approaches can be both conflicting and complementary.
The book illustrates the concept of human communication by demonstrating that, despite different theoretical lenses, all human communication shares fundamental characteristics. This underscores the importance of employing multiple perspectives to emphasize various aspects of communication in order to describe different facets of the communication process.
Author(s): Dr. Karsten Pedersen is an Associate Professor of Communication in the Department of Arts and Communication, at Roskilde University, Denmark.
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