Unsettling Narratives: Teaching About Genocide in a Settler Space
Unsettling Narratives
Subtitle: Teaching About Genocide in a Settler Space
Subject Classification:
Sociology, History, Education
BIC Classification: JFSL9, HB, JNL
BISAC Classification:
Hardback, eBook
Planned publication date:
Apr 2025
ISBN (Hardback):
ISBN (eBook):
e-books available for libraries from Proquest and EBSCO with non-institutional availability from GooglePlay
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Genocide education has become increasingly popular and prevalent in the United States over the past decade. However, genocide is all-too-often taught as something that occurred in the past, or is happening far away. What does it mean to teach about genocide in a settler colonial nation-state that has yet to fully reckon with its violent past?
Unsettling Narratives: Teaching About Genocide in a Settler Space examines how high school students and their teacher navigated learning and teaching about genocide and mass violence in the context of a semester-long comparative genocide and human rights elective course in rural south-central Wisconsin. Specifically, how students and their teacher individually and collectively navigated the “difficult knowledge” of learning about settler colonialism, the genocide of Indigenous peoples in the United States during the nineteenth century, the legacies of genocide and mass violence at the intersections of U.S. and Indigenous societies during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and the enduring legacies of white supremacy and “settlerness”.
It reveals the complexities, limits, and possibilities of teaching and learning about genocide in the contemporary United States.
Author(s): Dr. George Dalbo is a Research Fellow at the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, University of Minnesota (USA).
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