Calls for Chapters

We are working on the following Edited Collections, listed below. Click to see more information:

Institutionalized Madness: The Interplay of Psychiatry and Society’s Institutions. Planned publication date: January 2025.

History, Tourism, and Culture: Between Conservation and Commodification in Southern Africa. Planned publication date: February 2025.

Business Ethics in Practice: Case Examples from German Organizations. Planned publication date: April 2025

Integrating Public and Social Value into Business and Management Education: A Learning and Teaching Handbook. Planned publication date: November 2025

Colors of Anesthesiology: Collective Experiences of Practitioners from Non-Dominant Cultures. Planned publication date: December 2027


Contributing a Chapter

Please note that we do not accept chapters for publication outside of agreed Open Calls. Do not send chapters unless they are intended for an Edited Collection, as listed above.

Chapter proposals should normally be sent as an Abstract (summary) of 250 to 500 words. A complete chapter should be sent in an editable format, normally Microsoft Word, and be free of spelling and grammar errors. Chapter proposals and chapters should also be accompanied by an author CV. Chapters should be written in English; should be the work of the author; and must not infringe any person or organization’s intellectual property rights (copyright).

Unless otherwise instructed by an Editor, chapter proposals and chapters should be sent in the first instance to where they will be logged and sent on to the editor.

A Chapter will normally be between 3,000 and 6,000 words, but these are not strict word limits, and can be discussed with the Editor.

Ethics International Press is an academic (scholarly) publisher, and Collections which contain Chapters will primarily serve an academic market (research, study and teaching). Chapters should therefore be presented in a style and language which fits an academic audience, which includes full and proper referencing.

Accepted Chapter Authors will be asked to sign a short agreement. We cannot include a chapter in a collection without an agreement.

Please address any further questions to us at  


Edited Collections

Ethics International Press are pleased to invite proposals for scholarly Edited Collections. Please note that we make no charge to editors or contributors to publish. If you have a specific requirement for Open Access publication, please contact us. 

You can submit a proposal, and see our Notes of Guidance for Authors and Editors here.

We are happy to consider English language proposals in fields including, but not limited to: 

  • arts, humanities and social science topics such as history, society and culture, community, gender, politics, language and linguistics, and literature
  • non-technical topics in health sciences and life sciences
  • philosophical issues such as religion and faith, philosophy, and ethics and morality
  • current challenges, such as war and conflict, human rights, sustainability and climate change, food security, poverty, and technology/AI
  • applied fields, such as bioethics, education, the built environment, data ethics, and ethical issues in business, economics, finance, decision making and governance
  • legal and medical ethics, including healthcare, psychology, counselling and childhood studies

Proposals should primarily be for scholarly books, including text/reference books. We encourage and welcome collections of selected papers from Conferences and Symposia. You can find notes of Guidance for Adapting Conference Proceedings here.

Our aim is to build Ethics International Press into the world’s leading specialist academic publisher in ethics and related fields. Ethics International Press aims to be broad in scope, inclusive and welcoming of diverse voices and approaches, and a friendly and unpretentious place to publish.

For further information, please also see our Notes of Guidance


For any questions, please contact us at

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