Rational Animal Ethics: Effective in Means, Consistent in Ends
Rational Animal Ethics
Subtitle: Effective in Means, Consistent in Ends
Subject Classification:
Bioethics, Morals, Science
BIC Classification: JFFZ, HPQ, PSAD
BISAC Classification:
PHI005000, NAT023000, SCI008000
Hardback, eBook
Publication date:
04 Dec 2024
ISBN (Hardback):
ISBN (eBook):
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Our relations with non-human animals are plagued by moral illusions. A rational ethic attempts to avoid such moral illusions, such that our ends and values become consistent, and the means to achieve those ends become most effective.
This book constructs a rational animal ethic. It presents a consistent moral theory of non-discrimination and equality that includes animals. It shows how to construct a strong foundation for animal rights and equal treatment of all sentient beings. These rights can be derived from a new, mild welfarist ethic that is less demanding than classical welfarist or utilitarian theories, and more concerned about welfare than classical rights-based or deontological theories.
The second part deals with the practice of animal ethics. In particular it discusses the most effective means to promote animal welfare and rights. Topics in high-impact practical animal ethics include effective altruism, veganism, the welfare footprint, alternative protein and wild animal suffering.
Author(s): Dr. Stijn Bruers has PhDs in moral philosophy and economics from the universities of Ghent and Leuven, Belgium.
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