Ethics in Education: Contemporary perspectives on research, pedagogy and leadership
Ethics in Education
Subtitle: Contemporary perspectives on research, pedagogy and leadership
Subject Classification:
Education, Decision Making
BIC Classification: JN, JNM, GPQ
BISAC Classification:
EDU001030, EDU014000, EDU007000
Hardback, Paperback, eBook
Publication date:
25 Jan 2023
ISBN (Hardback):
ISBN (eBook):
ISBN (Paperback): 978-1-80441-350-0
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It is critically important for emerging professionals in education to be sensitised to the ethical and moral responsibilities of their practice throughout their training and beyond. There is a wide disparity in contemporary practice in this regard, which points to a need for greater clarity and consistency in our thinking about ethics within education. Ethics in Education attempts to meet this need, and will be a valuable resource for students, teachers and researchers in education, health and social sciences. Most significantly, the increasing awareness of the importance of ethics, diversity and social pedagogy in the teacher education curriculum will ensure that this book becomes essential reading or recommended reading for initial teacher education and CPD courses in education.The Editors have gathered together an exciting and dynamic group of contributors across many fields of English education, and asked them to help rethink the role of ethics in education in the 21st century. The types of questions that we address include: Do we have a shared view of ethical practice? What are the values that underpin ethical practice? What are our ethical responsibilities as pedagogues?
Editor(s): Dr Carla Solvason is Senior Lecturer in Education, and Dr Geoffrey Elliott is Professor of Post-Compulsory Education, at the University of Worcester, UK
"This collection of works could not be more timely. Whilst technocratic approaches to areas such as education, politics and social and health care dominate current discourse and policy enactment, this work acts as a critical reminder that at the heart of all public life, human interaction requires significant care. This book critiques perfunctory approaches to ethical considerations and opens up current discussions regarding the need for a purposefully caring approach to research, teaching and learning. A highly engaging and beautifully crafted collection that needs to become foundational material for all involved in education whether as teachers, researchers or indeed, policy makers."
Gary Husband, Chair of the Association for Research in Post-Compulsory Education, UK
"This book should be read by all those who teach, manage, lead and support students in further education (FE). The over-riding mission of FE is to offer excellent and distinctive experiences in vocational education and training and to support learners from entry level through to university level education. With ethics at its heart, Solvason and Elliott have gathered together in this volume intelligent and passionate voices for values-based education. Its tone is at once generous, critical, reflective, and urgent. I hope that this book can create a space where practitioners and policy makers can envision a new and bold system of education that meet the diverse needs of learners in all sectors."
Rebecca Gater, Principal and Chief Executive, Solihull College, UK