Handbook on the Constitutional Protection of a Decent Living
Handbook on the Constitutional Protection of a Decent Living
Subject Classification:
Politics and Government, Poverty, Society and Culture
BIC Classification: JFFA, JF, JP
BISAC Classification:
LAW018000, SOC045000, POL029000
Hardback, eBook
Planned publication date:
Apr 2026
ISBN (Hardback):
ISBN (eBook):
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Decent living protection, especially through a minimum level of income, is gradually being constitutionalized (see for example the Constitutions of Ireland and Greece) shaping a new form of social protection. Other legal orders, such as German, are experimenting with the effects of establishing a universal and unconditional minimum income, or Universal Basic Income. This collection seeks to present systematically the legal (allowances, tax redundancies, etc) and constitutional framework for the protection of a decent living by country, aiming to cover a broad spectrum of countries globally. At the same time, it conducts an in-depth analysis regarding the typology of the right to a decent living, its adjudication status, content, as well as ways that could be calculated (such as minimum income) in conformity with general principles, such as human dignity, equality, and proportionality.
This book is recommended for scholars of public law, and fields with neighbouring interests, such as poverty statistics. It will be helpful for a wide range of social scientists, and it will be useful for policy-makers regarding social policy.
Editor(s): George Katrougalos is a professor at Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. Stella Christoforidou is an adjunct lecturer at Hellenic Open University, Greece.
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