Reading the Chicago Convention: From Originalism and Textualism to Contemporary Relevance
Reading the Chicago Convention
Subtitle: From Originalism and Textualism to Contemporary Relevance
Subject Classification:
Law and Legal Ethics, Politics and Government
BIC Classification: LA, RNP, RNU
BISAC Classification:
LAW099000, POL011000, TRA002000
Hardback, eBook
Publication date:
29 Aug 2024
ISBN (Hardback):
ISBN (eBook):
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The Convention on International Civil Aviation ( Chicago Convention), which is the multilateral treaty addressing fundamental principles of State conduct with regard to air transport, airport and air navigation services, is one of the most misunderstood and often misquoted of multilateral treaties. One of the reasons for this is that in terms of semantics, the treaty presents certain nuances in its language that are both ambivalent and difficult to interpret.
Nonetheless The Chicago Convention stands, after 80 years of its existence, as a visionary document that, given a careful reading through the lenses of originalism, textualism and current relevance, presents a sustained view of past, present and future trends in the aviation industry. This book, which dissects the provisions of the Chicago Convention to its bare roots and puts together a coherent reading of the treaty, is both an academic as well as a professional tool which helps the reader understand the meaning and purpose of the Convention.
This is the author’s third book on Aviation Law and the Chicago Convention, with Ethics Press.
Author(s): Dr. Ruwantissa Abeyratne is Senior Associate, Aviation Law and Policy, at Aviation Strategies International, Canada.
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