Recording, Remembering and Celebrating Twenty Human Rights Champions from around the World: Impact, Stories and Artwork
Recording, Remembering and Celebrating Twenty Human Rights Champions from around the World
Subtitle: Impact, Stories and Artwork
Subject Classification:
Human Rights, Arts, Politics and Government
BIC Classification: JPVH, AB, JP
BISAC Classification:
POL035010, ART016030, SOC072000
Hardback, eBook
Planned publication date:
Mar 2026
ISBN (Hardback):
ISBN (eBook):
e-books available for libraries from Proquest and EBSCO with non-institutional availability from GooglePlay
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This innovative book sets out to record, remember and celebrate the lives of twenty international human rights champions of the twenty-first century, with stories and illustrated portrait paintings. These courageous women and men have all been imprisoned or killed for defending human rights. Some have now been released, and actual portraits are also included. Each painting aims to show something of their story, societal context and consequences. Each has questioned the governance of their country. They have put their head above the parapet in the quest for information, transparency and social justice for their fellow citizens. The project was started in October 2010.
The original contribution of the book is to consider and evidence how ‘political contextual’ portraiture art can be a valuable tool and medium for engaging wider audience on human rights and ethics, in countries around the world. It uses iconographic and emblematic techniques to celebrate and mark these twenty human rights champions, who stood up to oppressive authority at a high cost to themselves.
Author(s): Paul Piercy is a painter and writer, based in Newcastle, UK. Richard Kotter is an Assistant Professor in Economic and Political Geography, Northumbria University, UK.
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