Subterranean Essays on Psychoanalysis: Reflections on Practice and the Arts
Subterranean Essays on Psychoanalysis
Subtitle: Reflections on Practice and the Arts
Subject Classification:
Psychology, Literature and Literary Criticism
BIC Classification: JM, DS
BISAC Classification:
PSY026000, PSY036000, LIT024040
Hardback, eBook
Planned publication date:
Feb 2026
ISBN (Hardback):
ISBN (eBook):
e-books available for libraries from Proquest and EBSCO with non-institutional availability from GooglePlay
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This book is a selected collection drawn from the author’s published work, including reflections on current and past psychoanalytic cases and an essay on Mary Shelley’s life and her seminal work, Frankenstein. The author draws on the perspective of his own life, and on positive and negative aspects of psychoanalytically informed work with patients.
Case presentations have appeared in other mental health journals. This new book engages the problematics that arise during treatment, in a way that protects confidentiality, while revealing deep details. Personal fantasy is included as the author believes it is linked to difficulties that all clinicians encounter. as corroborated in his work with an upcoming generation of psycho- analytically inclined clinicians.
Author(s): Charles Turk is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in private practice, who volunteers at the Kedzie Center, a taxpayer-funded community mental health center in Chicago and teaches at the Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis, USA.
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