The Ethics of Confucius
Title: The Ethics of Confucius
Subject Classification: History, Philosophy
BIC Classification: HB, HP, BG
BISAC Classification: HIS000000, PHI000000
Binding: Hardback, Paperback, ebook, pp.186
Publication date: 25th February 2022
ISBN (Hardback): 978-1-80441-004-2
ISBN (Paperback): 978-1-80441-150-6
ISBN (ebook): 978-1-80441-005-9
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The study presents a critical account of Confucius’ life and undertakes a thorough analysis of his works and writings. Rather than the more usual examination of Confucius’ teachings, the book examines the character and behaviour of the man himself, placed into contrast with the values he expresses in his works.
For students and researchers in Chinese studies, The Ethics of Confucius will offer a fresh perspective on the life and character of a man whose writings have been very influential in China and the wider world, for the last two thousand years.
Author: Professor Michael Yang is the author of five books and numerous articles, and writes extensively on Chinese literature, history, and philosophy. Previously Director of the Research Center for Languages and Literatures, and Chair of the Department of English and Foreign Languages at National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, he now teaches at Baylor University, Waco, Texas, USA
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