The Symbolic Power of Collectible Design: Mapping a Multifaceted Field
The Symbolic Power of Collectible Design
Subtitle: Mapping a Multifaceted Field
Subject Classification:
Arts, Business and Management, Economics and Finance
BIC Classification: AB, KC, KJ
BISAC Classification:
ANT002000, SOC022000, ART000000
Hardback, eBook
Planned publication date:
Jun 2025
ISBN (Hardback):
ISBN (eBook):
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The cultural and creative industries include organizations that produce and exchange goods characterized by a symbolic value, notably higher than their material value and distinguished by what some scholars have defined as "artistic creativity". Such goods are typically created or produced in unique specimens or limited series. Collectible design objects are part of this class of goods. The practice of collecting design, which has relatively recently gained prominence, is increasingly widespread. This is demonstrated by a series of circumstances and by parallel evidence emerging from the art market, the media, the economy, but also from society.
This unique book is the first to investigate this distinct and fascinating category of the art market - collectible design. It is distinct because it arises, develops, and moves between the tangible and intangible, function and symbol, design and art, for example. Auction houses continue to sell collectibles at record prices, specialized actors multiply, and art collectors diversify by purchasing these artifacts. The aim of this book is to contextualize, define, and understand this category, and to delve into its functional and symbolic values as well as its economic ones.
This book is an important reference tool and guide for academics, researchers, students, and practitioners in the field. Researchers in other disciplines, such as cultural economics and cultural studies also benefit from this in-depth analysis.
Author(s): Dr. Federica Codignola-Bo is Assistant Professor in Marketing and Management, and an Art Economist, at the Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Department of Economics, Management and Statistics, Italy.
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